
Enough Is Enough! Let’s Call Back The Frith That Has Left Northern Nigeria -By Mohammed Aliyu Baba

No! This is not the northern Nigeria we used to know. This is not the Nigerian asylum center we used to know. And of course, this is not the kind of Kingdom the founding fathers of the region wished to be erected on the foundation they laid before they left. And if these barbaric acts should continue, the Souls of Sir Ahmadu Bello and Alhaji Abubakar Tafawa Balewa who are the renowned founding fathers of the region would be disappointed over there in Limbo. I believe that no well-meaning Nigerians especially the Northerners would want the ‘sanctuary region’ the North is known for to vanish into thin air.

As a child of the 90’s, I don’t know much how this major part of Nigeria was established and bred-in-the bone. Nevertheless, I can assure you that I had read much about it and observed its situations in tons for the past three decades of my existence. Therefore, as a legitimate child of the region, I can frankly say that northern Nigeria was not worse like this in terms of security of life and property. I was also told that the North was a tourism center of peace where tourists and people with beautiful souls within and outside Nigeria trooped Into for relaxation and to get rid of their stress. But suddenly, the region of peace started turning into pieces. And now the safety in the region has gone bad. How did we arrive at this point?

As we all know, one thing usually leads to another. The cycle of ethno-religious violence that engulfed Northern Nigeria around 1980’s as pointed out by Yake, Mathias Daji; is truly the genesis of insecurities in this part of Nigeria. The places like Kaduna and Benue were the devils’ corridors for religious fanaticism (then); hence, the epicentres of the violence. Ever since, the sad situations have been transformed into other forms of insecurities as the world turns into a global village. The tension of physical encounter as a result of ethno-religious differences became less. The situation graduated from ethno-religious violence to farmer-herders clash, then Boko Haram and now banditry and kidnappings.

Where are we going with these callous acts? Instead of us to be progressing, we are retrogressing. Why?

This part of Nigeria has lost enough of innocent lives and properties to these devastating acts perpetrated by heartless fellow human beings. As at 2015, the ruinous Boko Haram group (alone) that dramatically started in 2009 has reportedly caused the death of over 5000 people. While about 2.5 million people (including women and children) were reportedly displaced. The rampage activities of these people started after their leader and founder, Mohammed Yusuf was killed by the Nigerian government in 2009 when the group started acts of (allegedly) rebellion against the government of Nigeria.

But a reminder that the group was in existence since 2002; in which for over eight years, it was not everyone that even noticed their formation. This is evidence that when a security threat is sensed, we mustn’t always use barrels of the gun to solve the security problems. At times, violence cannot be settled by violence. Certain issues and individuals need (continuous) diplomatic approach to avoid the seemingly unending unrest. Peace was never achieved violently. And as Agbede rightly observed, “conflict resolution is more about solving problems right from the earliest stage.” The negotiations the government is having with this religious and rebellious group now without the needed result could’ve been done right from the inception.

However, the two major religion-practices in the north (Islam and Christianity) admonished and accorded the followers both Muslims and Christians to live and practice peacefully without threat to human life.

According to Abu-Nemer, Islam advocates numerous non-violent and peace-building values and expects Muslims to live by them. These values are supported by the Quran and Hadith (the prophet’s sayings). All Muslims are to respect and preserve human life (Quran 5:64). In fact, the Arabic meaning of the word Islam is itself connotes peace. Therefore, the activities of Boko Haram group is condemned in totality by the teachings of Islam.

Also in Christianity who are the followers of Christ have peace as a virtue in the kingdom of mankind. Christians are enjoined in the Bible to embrace and live peacefully with their neighbors. Like the scripture said; “Depart from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it (Psalm 34 vs 14).” Another call from Matthew 5 vs 9 said; “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.”

As practicing Muslims and Christians therefore, where did we acquire the forbidden attitude of shedding of innocent blood for selfish gains? Why must we terminate with extreme prejudice? The killings, kidnappings and other forms of banditry are becoming too worrisome in the north.

At this juncture, let’s use one voice and say Enough Of A Bloody Insurgency-Tears At The Fabric Of Nigeria’s Most Populous Region. Let’s call back the peace we were known for right from the inception of this zone.

Meanwhilst, it was rather unfortunate that we clamored for peace but woefully missed the practicing steps. The ruthless approach used in 2015 towards Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) popularly called Shi’a group, where about 347 members of the group were allegedly killed in Zaria by the Nigerian army nearly produced the same result as that of Boko Haram after the killing of Mohammed Yusuf. After receiving the discharges from the army gun barrels, the group protested the extrajudicial killing of their members in all the major cities in the zone. Now imagine if these people could strike back like BH? The actions of the authorities sometimes initiate avoidable war.

The truth is; any individual or group with basic ideology worth its weight in gold; even if it’s against the constituted authority. As such, these kinds of individuals should be called for series of dialogue that would eventually lead to possibly amicable resolutions.

As Dalai Lama XIV rightly said; “Peace does not mean an absence of conflict; differences will always be there. Peace means solving these differences through peaceful means; through dialogue, education, knowledge; and through humane ways.” John F. Kennedy added that; “Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, and quietly building new structures.”

Yes, a peace accord would’ve been building new infrastructures in the north-eastern part of Nigeria in lieu of the destruction we are having today.

Meanwhile, for the new evil twins; ‘banditry and kidnapping,’ let the hell on earth loose upon the devils. The issue of criminality should not be treated with lenity. I am only advocating for leniency upon the people who have diverse ideology from others, and not obvious criminals and their agents. The bandits and kidnappers have no meaningful agenda and should be dealt with severely. The Northern Nigeria must be reclaimed from the hands of useless criminals who decided to feed out of banditry and terrorism, while others use it for political defamatory.

It is quite sad that even the safest states in the zone like Niger State have been grappling with bandits, a situation that has hampered meaningful developments across all cycles of human life.

Well, as the popular saying goes; “there is no smoke without fire.” The present and the immediate past leaders of the region have failed to improve the economic, political and social aspects of the North, leaving people in an object of poverty while the region remains the most educationally backward and underdeveloped in human and natural resources. As someone said; no matter how people hate criminality and terrorism and want to live Patriotically, factors that breach the patriotism must be avoided or overcome. Because patriotism in hunger and insecurity is not patriotism but violence in silence. An hungry man they said is an angry man, and in addition; an angry man is a threat to security.

Hence, the leaders and the elites of the region must wake up and smell the coffee. There is utmost need to bring about salient reshape and liberal economic policies that will help the region to flourish peacefully. Intense poverty that could push people into criminality should be curtailed to the barest minimum, while dealing decisively with anyone who chose to be criminal. Proliferation of firearms is also a problem not only in the region but the country at large. Therefore, the authorities should checkmate and control the ugly trend. Fighting the high rate of illiteracy in northern Nigeria should be a radical task because it is easier to recruit illiterates to perpetrate evil acts in human societies.

In addition, sometimes due to lack of proper understanding of our cultural and religious doctrines we allowed culture and religion to wrongly influence the realities of our lives and faculty of thinking. Notwithstanding I must point this out that early/child marriage has been a cankerworm in northern Nigeria, accompany by the polygamous syndrome while ignoring the economic and social implications of the trend. The streets in the zone (especially the East and the West) are already littered with unsustainable population. Hence (as a matter of necessity), we must dare some doctrines to stop producing an unproductive population in this part of the country. Let’s produce little saviors in lieu of large burdens.

In conclusion, considering the nature of circumstances, the whole world and his dog in northern Nigeria have a big role to play in order to ease the hardships while we haunt for everlasting peace and security which are the sinking glories of the zone.

MOHAMMED Aliyu Baba Is A Student Of A.B.U Zaria.

He Writes From Kaduna, Nigeria.

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